Two solid rings are tied on a rope, and right beofre your eyes they magically fall loose.
This excellent quality collar has a long chain attached allowing it to be joined to the wrist escape or ankle escape. Made of Quality metal.
Magician is shackled with chain and locks, yet will escape in just seconds. Chain, shackle, instructions. Locks not included. Just add your own! Easy to do.
Magician's wrist are placed behind his back, wrapped with a solid chain, and then locked by a volunteetr from the audience. In the tradition of the ''Great Houdin'' the magician escapes in seconds with the chain and locks still tact. Includes Metal Chain, lock, and instructions.
Magician's wrist are placed behind his back, wrapped with a solid chain, and then locked by a volunteer from the audience. In the tradition of the "Great Houdini" the magician escapes in seconds with the chain and locks still intact. Includes Metal Chain, lock, and instructions.
It's the real thing. A genuine heavy canvas jacket with leather straps, metal buckles that can be passed out for examination. No matter how securely you're strapped in the jacket, you can still escape in full view. Without question, this is the finest quality ever made. One size.
Authentic police regulation metal thumbcuffs. Lightweight and compact, complete with vinyl carrying case. These have a double lock, so you can lock it from closing too far. Designed for official police use.